QB-WIP is a time cost reporting tool for QuickBooks.
QB-WIP is a utility that has been designed to operate in conjunction with QuickBooks to improve the reporting aspects of time, mileage and costs e.g. travel disbursements entered through time sheets. The utility will enable printing of time, mileage and costs together as well as the $ value onto various reports.
A job profitability report is available which utilizes the time and costs reports to show profitability on a line by line as well as an overall basis.
The reports available are:
Aged work in progress report
Summarised work in progress report
Detailed work in progress report - jobs not on separated pages
Detailed work in progress report - each job on a separate page
Profitability report
Information to be printed can be selected using one or more of the following billable statuses:
Unbilled time
Billed time
Not Billable time
QB-WIP also has two levels of sorting based upon:
It is envisaged that QB-WIP will be suitable for users who invoice based on time and disbursements. These users will include various professionals such as consultants. It will also be suitable for those who wish to have more reporting information of time/disbursements/employees to jobs.
To enhance billing/invoicing arrangements the unbilled/billed costs associated with a job can also be shown on the various reports.
QB-WIP is compatible with the latest verson of QuickBooks and most of the previous versions of QuickBooks.
Two files are obtained from Quickbooks:
Items list (items.IIF)
Time activity detail report of time (WIP.txt) - customised
Mileage by Job Detail (Mileage.txt)
Unbilled Costs by Job (Costs.txt)
These two files are imported into QB-WIP and then the reports required can be printed.
Key Features
Filter by Customer:Job, Item, & NameFilter by Status5 Report formats